Storytelling – An Effective Learning Method
All of us have fond memories of being told stories in our childhood in order to learn morels and values. Some stories motivated us to try better when we failed to achieve and to stay humble when we did achieve while some others told us about the mistakes committed by our kings and ancestors and their consequences. These stores, be it true time stories or fictitious, have played a role in our lives in the process of learning ways of living and behaving. Some of them also have impacted our learning of concepts and theories. For instance – we remember Newton’s Theory of Gravity through the story of the apple falling and Aristotle’s theory through the famous “Eureka” story.
Stories are one of the forms of communication that bring in a personalized touch to the learners. This form can be used by teachers, trainers and learners themselves to inculcate ownership of subject/ concept. Storytelling in the context of training and learning does not mean an elaborate fairy-tale starting with “once upon a time…” and ending with “…happily ever after”. Being able to relating to stories that are commonly known to understand/ apply a concept or to create stories that can make application of concepts easier is a vital role of storytelling in the world of learning.
It can be kept in mind that the climax of the story should be able to provide opportunity for the learners to relate themselves as a hero of their own stories in similar situation. Situation based teaching and learning methods such as role plays, case studies or even inviting renowned people in the study field to share the stories of their journey could play a role in enhancing teaching-learning processes and enable learners to think and apply what they are learning in a more effective way.